Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Anniversity Becca + Jeff

Happy Anniversary
Rebecca and Jeff Sardella

August 28, 2004

Becca and Jeff were married at Stock Creek Baptist Church.

Becca wore bright red heals under her dress! Being a southern belle, she came down the aisle Dixie.

The groom's cake! Jeff works on old airplanes!

Becca and Jeff were my first wedding! Thanks for giving me my start and believing in me!
Wishing you a happily Ever After!
Planner Girl:)

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaawwwww - Thank you Darlin'!!!

    Your sweet post literally brought tears to my eyes - Thank YOU for the fabulous job you did coordinating our wedding. It was a wonderful day and it was perfect because of all of your hard work!!!!!

    I am so very blessed to have you as a dear friend. Thank you Kristie!!!!!!!!
